The Pearl River Waterfowl Refuge and Wildlife Management Area in Madison County—owned by the Pearl River Water Supply District and leased to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks—covers 6,925 acres just north of the Ross Barnett Reservoir. The Reservoir and Highway 43 define the WMA’s southern boundary, with Ratliff Ferry Road bordering to the north, the Natchez Trace to the northwest, and the Pearl River to the east. The 1,500 acre Refuge itself is found at the southwestern end of this management area.
A soaring Bald Eagle can be a truly majestic sight.
Mary Stevens, librarian with the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science and a member of the Jackson Audubon Society, tells us that “the Pearl River Wildlife Refuge and Management Area has recently been selected as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by a team of experts working with Audubon Mississippi. This program has identified a network of sites critical to birds during some part of their life cycle, and recognizes the serious threats facing populations of birds across America and around the world. In the U.S. the IBA program has become a key component of many bird conservation efforts."
Both resident and migratory birds use the Refuge. The diversity of riverine, wetland, and bottomlands are necessary habitat for many varieties of “neotropical and permanent resident landbirds and passerines.” Migratory shore birds are attracted to the mudflats. Bald eagles also have nested at the Refuge.
The impoundment at the Refuge (above at right) is bordered by mixed pine and hardwoods, offering nesting sites for birds like this Northern Flicker (above). Flicker photo by Dave Menke
The Great Egret (left) is one of the most widespread of herons, nesting in tropical and warm temperate areas around the globe. Photo by Lee Karney
The bird photos on this page came from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service web site and are representative of species found at the Pearl River Waterfowl Refuge. All photos of the Refuge, including the background photo, by Bill Pitts.